Furnace Models

  • As of 2010 the Federal Government only allows high efficiency furnaces to be sold in Canada.
  • As of July 2019 the Federal Government has dictated that regular AC blower motors are not allowed to be sold in new furnaces. ECM (electronically communicated) motors are much more efficient than regular AC (alternating current) electric motors.
  • Furnace efficiency – if a furnace is 96% efficient it means that only 4% of your gas dollar is vented to the outside.

Models We Sell

Bryant 925S

This is a single stage furnace with ECM motor that is up to 96% efficient.  This is the noisiest furnace in the Bryant lineup.  

Bryant 926T

This is a two stage furnace with ECM motor that is up to 96% efficient.  This furnace is quieter in the first stage than the 925S, on second stage it puts out the same amount of noise as the 925S.
I highly recommend this furnace because of it’s proven reliability.

Bryant 987M

This is the most complex furnace we sell. This furnace has a variable gas valve and ECM inducer motor that can be used with a communicating thermostat.  If you use a regular thermostat it remains a two speed furnace. This furnace has an ECM blower motor, and is up to 98% fuel efficient.

Please contact us for pricing and installation fees.



When upgrading your furnace, you may also want to upgrade your thermostat.

The old mercury thermostats are the most reliable, they rarely fail.  However, they don’t work properly with mid and high efficient furnaces because you can’t set the heat anticipator to three cycles per hour.

Digital thermostats are very reliable if you purchase a good brand name (We recommend Honeywell Pro).  

WIFI smart thermostats are convenient if you have a changing schedule and want to be able to change the temperature from wherever you are. They can also have more problems than regular thermostats and like other thermostats some brands are better than others.  

Wireless thermostats are mainly used when you do not have enough wires to add air conditioning.  As they are wireless they can lose communication between floors. This may not be a big issue if you have two or more furnaces in your home.